Saturday, 16 September 2023

Nokia E5-00 SIP Settings

Nokia E5-00 SIP settings through VoIPtalk.

Want to have internet call option in your Nokia E5-00 using Wifi or 3G connection?
What you all need is Nokia E5-00 handset,VoIP settings and account/id at VoIPtalk.

Here I am going to show the steps what I did with my Nokia E5-00.

1. Click  Here it will lead you to the VoIP service of VoIPtalk, you need to register an account, it is absolutely free.

2. After successful registration download  SIP VoIP 3.X setting v2.0  not 3.1 setting. remember Nokia E5-00 is FP2 so install 3.X not other setting. Download 3.X setting here

3. Now install the downloaded setting,  after installation go to Control pannel > Settings > Connection > SIP settings. Now select new profile-Profile name- ( set as you want, I have set as VoIPtalk(1))
Service profile-(IETF)
Default destination-(set according to your net provider not VoIPtalk as shown at image)
Public user name-(
Note: Instead of 123456789 use your own VoIPtalk ID no.
Use compression-(no)

Registration-(always on)
Use security- (no)

4. Now go to Proxy server-

Proxy server address-(
Realm- (

Username- (your VoIPtalk ID)
Password-( your VoIPtalk ID's password)

Allow loose routing- (yes)
Transport type- (UDP)
Port- (5065)

5.Go to Register server-
Register server address-(
Username-(your VoIPtalk ID)
Password-(your VoIPtalk ID's password)
Transport type-(UDP)

6. After completion of filling up of all the spaces, reboot your mobile.
 Come back to SIP settings and see if your profile is showing registered or not,
 if you see your profile displaying registered your configuration is successful.
 you can have free call among same service provider direct from the mobile, and if you want to call other who does not have VoIP application on their mobile you need to buy credit for that.

Now to allow calls over 3G connection go to Control panel > Connectivity > Net settings > Advanced VoIP settings > VoIP services > VoIPtalk or the name you have set > Profile settings > AWCDMA turn it on, thats it. now you have configured your SIP settings.

Enjoy the free call over Wifi and 3G with same service and for others cheap rate international calls.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Lock the Folder

Locking the folder is very simple and no need of any other software installation, just follow the steps and use the below mentioned code.
(Note: That code is not generated by me, I am just sharing it here.)
It will create a visible folder, only thing is that without the correct password no one will able to access the files inside the folder.

#So the steps are as follows:-

1. Create a new folder and name it as you like, I         have named as private.

2. Now open the folder which you have just created.

3. Your folder is empty, right click on the mouse and create new text document. 

4. Open the text document folder,which is obviously empty. Now copy this code and paste on your new text document folder.

*Copy this CODE:-
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

5. After pasting the code change the YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE text  from the code with your own desired password that you want to provide for your secret folder.

6. Now save the file as all files and name the file as locker.bat

**Congrats you have successfully created a password protected folder.**

 Close all the windows and reopen the folder you created, you will see two files, first one locker and second new text document, if you want you may delete the second file.

 Double click the Locker file, you will be asked to provide password, access it by providing the password that you have set earlier while pasting code.
After accessing you will see a new folder whose name is private, that is the folder where you can keep your secrets. while exiting you need to double click on the locker, you will be asked yes or no. Choose the option as you want and enter. Choosing yes will hide the private folder and you need to enter password to access it again.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

"Deactivate Nimbuzz Account"

Many wants to deactivate or delete their Nimbuzz  account permanently but some fails to do since it is not available on the screen of the Nimbuzz IM .  Here is the solution or you have reached the target what you were waiting since days or weeks...

What you have to do is ...just follow this link...

If this link does not work, copy and paste on your browser.
Good Luck.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Don't loves than why to hurt?

One never thoughts of making other happy than why to hurt?
Life is very strange indeed!
Only demanding directly or indirectly...
Even in case of love!
One loves someone falsely and demands indirectly, when not fulfilled, leaves the other  with heart broken with undisclosed reason why?
The true lover gets hurt which is unbearable.

Any how managed to console himself/ herself, but learns to hate others, trusty ends. Here one can say "bad in good".

Love can transform one into good from bad also vice versa. It can also brings tragic to life. So, be cautious, true, clarity, doubt free and open with the one to whome  you loves.
If someone is playing, repentance is definite.

Message for players:Just take a minute and think what you are with?
Message for broken heart ones: Never loose your heart, try to console yourself ,don't do stupid acts in pain, someone true lover awaits you ahead.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Deep inside the heavenly movie, its so beautiful with white creamy clouds, blue sky, sun with its VIBGYOR's, birds twittering,colourful flowers blooming at wide open green field, trees swinging with cool breez, full freedom, no fear,tears,tension...enjoying the every moment with changing landscape.

Floating in it.......

What a delightful ....
If they were here...
Wish they could see me..
Hears me...

Only if I could tell them..
I love them so much..
And I am happy here...
Don't regret for me...



Monday, 3 October 2011


Finally it came out,
But its too late.
This is the way it comes out,
Truth the late.

One has to suffer more,
Since couldn't depress it in heart core.
Injustice becomes more,
But he couldn't roar.

Alas! he is no more,
When it is here.
One could say,oh dear!
Only if you were here.

"kal aur aaj"

भोर होते  ही छाती हरयाली,
साथ ही दिनेश की लाली I
सकुनी चहचहाने  लगती,
मर्त्ज़ हर्ष बाँटने लगती I

रंगबिरंगे तितलियाँ,
बनातें हैं पूलों की लड़ियाँ I
बहेती हैं ठन्डी समीर,
और शान्ती लाती है तिमिर I

देखने को मिलते न आज,
कुछ  हो गए  है खाश I
कम हो रही  है अवनी  जाली,
साथ हे दुनियां की हरयाली I

भव के जर  हो रही है नुकशान,    
और कल हो सकती है सुनसान I
इन सब  की जिम्मेदार हैं हम, 
और बचा भी सकते हैं सिर्फ हम  I